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My name is Pam and I'm what you would call a "Professional Waitress". I've been in the food industry for 25 years and boy do I have some vents!!

Co-Workers Suck Sometimes Rant

Okay so yesterday I got a phone call from one of my co-workers (owner's brother) letting me know how much tip he got from a table.  Do I really care?  NO! But I was nice and congratulated him but I was rolling my eyes. Really dude- RUB IT IN man he has such an ego LOL!  I'm happy for him and woohoo you got a $125 tip from a $60 tab. Rolling eyes insert here!

Why call someone who didn't even work that day and say "I wanted to let you know how good I am...I got a $125 tip"  I DON'T CARE!  LOL!  What is funny is this co-worker is horrible but when he sees $$$ in customers he will cater to them and that's his THING.  We all know that.  He loves the business men and make them feel good or whatever he does.

We all have our THING- mine is families I love to make families feel good when they come out to eat because I know as a mom it's so hard to go out with kids.  I don't care how much of a mess you make- we have brooms and towels!  I want to make sure you enjoy the experience.  I'm not money hungry like some of the people I work with.

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Waitress Rant~ OMG The Worst Big Party Table EVER!

I had a table today that was a NIGHTMARE. They were outrageous on their demands and they took me away from all my other customers- I spent a full 45 minutes on them without helping anyone else. There were 13 people and they each worked my last nerve but I kept that smile. I came and asked about drinks several times because no one would listen to me when I came to the table. They wouldn't stop talking for me to tell them the Specials and only one person listened. I had to repeat the Specials 5 times! I got drinks and asked everyone did I get everyone's drink- and everyone said yes!

I took the order- not one order was a menu order- all had exemptions and added stuff and I said every time when someone asked to add something how much it would be extra. I buttered toast because they requested their toast to be buttered- which we don't do, usually butter is on the side. I brought bread and butter because they were hungry- no charge. We only give bread and butter out with salads- no one on this table had salads.

They kept me running back and forth with extra this, more coffee, lemons, straws, honey, water, check on the food. Their food took 30 minutes- we are a very busy cafe and we were packed so 30 minutes isn't that bad. They asked to have FREE Mimosa drinks (4 of them)because their food was taking soooooo long, I said no (because we don't do that)then the ATTITUDE started and the nit picking. Their food came out- no mistakes but guess what I forgot a TEA- 45 minutes later she tells me. So because I forgot that drink they decided my service sucked. Then they bitched about the price of the bottle of wine- we are breakfast cafe not a fancy dancy brunch restaurant.

I was suppose to sit down and eat my food but since this table made me work so hard and was upset I couldn't even enjoy my break. When I brought the check- then everyone wanted separate checks- no problem I can do that. Then people who added extra items were WTF is this charge for, I expressed to them I told them how much it would be when it was ordered. No one was happy- WHY I did everything you wanted, got you everything you needed and with a smile on my face the whole time.

They wouldn't even pay the whole automated TIP- because I forgot the DAMN TEA! They were difficult and every time they come in we all cringe because no one wants them in their section- NO ONE!!!!

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Waitressing While You Are Sick Sucks

Why do I try to work when I'm sick...oh that's right I have no sick pay and I live off my tips.  Someday people someday!

What happen was I got up Sunday morning with my left side of my face all swollen but no pain so I'm good to go to work.  I put my ponytail on the side- no one will even notice, right?  I live in a crazy world I know.

Get to work and then my eye starts swelling up too~ wonderful now I can't really see out of my left eye.  I still try to work because one girl already went home- not sure why because she looked fine but hey it's always something (input sarcasim tone).

Luckily I had a small section but every time I walked up to a table I was thinking do they see my left side and are they staring.  I don't think anyone noticed because I turned on all my waitress awesomeness and rocked it at every table.  It was hard though!

After 3 hours of my face and eye bothering me I was able to go home- thanks to my boss coming in.

My thing is I want to give the best service I can and when I'm sick I can't do that- so that SUCKS!

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If you are in a BAD MOOD- STAY HOME!

Why go out to eat when you are mad at the world?  I would love to be able to make your day better but if you come in with the attitude that anything and everything I do is horrible then there is nothing I can do to help.

Yesterday, I had this grumpy man sit down in my section.  It was the peak of our day so it was busy.  We were a full house. His food took about 20 minutes.  Yes, that might be a little long to wait but our cafe they make each plate individually- not pre-made.  We also had a full cafe- 40 tables so at this point 20 minute wait is realistic.  He kept asking almost every 5 minutes where is his food, I can't rush the kitchen or make the food myself so please be patient- I didn't say that but was thinking it!  When he got his food he wouldn't even answer when asked him if everything was okay.  After the 2nd time he said to me "I thought this was a omelet?"  I told him "No, it's a scrambler"  then he looked away.  I thought to myself that if it says "Joe's Special Scrambler"  where would you get omelet from that?

I gave him his ticket, ran his credit card, told him to have a wonderful day with big smile.  When I picked up the credit card slip he left me a note- "FOOD TASTELESS" and "0" tip....WTF????  I did everything I could and if he felt the food was tasteless LET ME KNOW please!  If you are paying for food and it tastes off please let me know because I want you to have the best experience- that's my job!

I chalk up his "rude tude" .... as having a bad day, we all have them!  But in the future if you are having a bad day- STAY HOME.  

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We are closed- Don't be a DICK!

We are usually BUSY on Sundays but it was very slow this past Sunday and I will chalk it up to the Super Bowl.  At 1:45pm we had 1 table in 45 minutes. There was no point staying open for another 1 1/2 hrs because it wasn't financially worth it.  

I put up a sign and within 4 minutes a family came walking in.  I exclaimed to them it was very slow so we made the decision to close down because it's not worth staying open at this point.  The man got upset with me and said " We drove over here and your website says you close at 3pm so you should be open and this is WRONG (he rolled his eyes at me at the point)."  I looked at him and decided this was not a fight I wanted to get into with him and asked the kitchen if they could do one more table.  The kitchen looked at me with WTF looks and I just shook my head.   Everyone was disappointed because now we had to stay there for another hour.  But we all sucked it up and let them has a nice meal all by themselves in there. That is what we get paid to do but man it sucked.

Now the thing that got under my skin was if you see a SIGN that says CLOSED- SORRY why the FREAK would you walk in and demand to be served?  If I saw the sign I would have walked away and not worry about anything.  But no...let's give people who have been on their feet since 7:30 am and not making any money because the place is dead... ATTITUDE.  Really dude!  At least we are not mean kind of kitchen because I know other places I've worked at the kitchen would have said NO!

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